On Growing the Government in Canyon County

Growing the government…is that a conservative value? How about centralizing the government?

To fight for liberty we need to focus on the Commissioners races too!  (and our local PCs who install candidates for hire to the countys) .   They have almost as much power to bring in deep state govt as the governor does and we are turning a blind eye.  I feel the Gem State Heist is going on here in Canyon County.

In an interview she joined in she brought my card and told me it was inappropriate to have “free speech and 2A rights on my campaign card” as a commissioner.

In the same interview she refused to acknowledge the 84% increase in county budget and the taking of Federal ARPA funds to balance it.

When I asked about growing layers of govt between the citizens and commissioners, she denied it, despite creating a new job req and while moments before they had just filled that req… a constituent services director.

Growing the government…is that a conservative value? How about centralizing the government?


Indeed, adding  new positions  IS growing the government  .

Adding layers between the citizens and the commissioners does not convey to the citizens that their input is wanted or needed, but feels like a way to placate the public while our community values and character are slowly being destroyed. (or not so slow?)

The new director says:

“I am excited to facilitate conversations with the public about all that we do, to help engage with the community, and to connect with the elected officials in the State and the County to provide a strong network to aid in policy implementation.“

Why are we hiring someone to “facilitate conversations” with the constituents? Someone who is not accountable to the voters, who is not accountable to the public?

We voted for commissioners who are hired by the constituents. Now they want yet another layer of government between them and us??

It feels like this is a start to strong-arming the public into acceptance of implementing policy. Centralizing power of state and county govt .

Imagine for a moment, the state who is in debt to the federal govt puts in red flag policies because they had to make a sacrifice to get the $$ and  we dont have conservative commissioners who write into ordinance against red flag policies….what is meant by “connect with the elected officials in the State and the County to provide a strong network to aid in policy implementation.”? This is a bit concerning.

Our current commissioner just passed ordinance 1-17 which reduces our ability to present valid information at public hearing. In her newspaper article she states “we have many more policies we plan to implement”

When is enough enough?

Other concerns:

  • Is this or the new HR Director position in place as a string that was attached to the taking of $40M in federal funds to balance our budget?
  • Is the implementation of new policy related to the taking of federal funds?
  • Citizens will average $1200/year or so in bonds after this election to assure basic safety needs are met. Safety needs that should have been covered in impact fees. Impact fees that were promised when our leaders ran for office in 2019.
    • People should never have to choose between a roof over their heads and access to emergency care..but this election they will.
  • Idaho families are struggling to keep their families fed and roofs over their head. Increased budget and increased bonds will put many over the edge on ability to support their own families, especially our disabled vets and retired on fixed incomes.

I think our commissioners are out of touch with the people they are supposed to serve.

It’s time for a change.
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